
Boyi Liu | εˆ˜εšδΈ€

Ph.D. student
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Beihang University

Email: boyliu [at] buaa [dot] edu [dot] cn


Boyi Liu is currently a second year Ph.D. student at the Beihang University (BUAA), under the supervision of Prof. Yongxin Tong. He is also a joint Ph.D student at the City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK), co-supervised by Prof. Zimu Zhou. His research interests include cross-device federated learning and spatial data science.


  1. [KDD'24] Boyi Liu, Yiming Ma, Zimu Zhou, Yexuan Shi, Shuyuan Li, Yongxin Tong, "CASA: Clustered Federated Learning with Asynchronous Clients", in Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Barcelona, Spain, Aug 25 - Aug 29, 2024. [pdf] (CCF-A)

  2. [DEB'23] Yongxin Tong, Yuxiang Zeng, Zimu Zhou, Boyi Liu, Yexuan Shi, Shuyuan Li, Ke Xu, Weifeng Lv, "Federated Computing: Query, Learning, and Beyond", IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, 46(1): 9-26, 2023. [pdf]

  3. [IJCAI'22] Ruixing Zhang, Liangzhe Han, Boyi Liu, Jiayuan Zeng, Leilei Sun, "Dynamic Graph Learning Based on Hierarchical Memory for Origin-Destination Demand Prediction", in Proceedings of the 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Vienna, Austria, July 23 - July 29, 2022. [pdf] (CCF-A)


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